Sorry if everyone else has already figured this out, but I just did and think it is really amazing! The painting above is Titian's
Rape of Europa. Look at it closely. Then, look at the background of the painting below, Velazquez'
Las Hilanderas (
The Spinners). (You may need to click on the picture to open it in a new window to make it big enough to be really obvious.) On the tapestry, you can see Titian's
Rape of Europa. Now, look at the two women directly in front of the tapestry. The one on the left is wearing a helmet. Remind you of anyone? Athena, right? So, that makes the woman on her right Arachne. Athena (or Minerva, if you like) is about to turn Arachne into a spider. That Velazquez guy really knew his Ovid!